Splash Damage Radio are privileged to have been able to catch up with The Metal Byrds during their hectic schedule of producing their upcoming album. We are proud to present to our listeners an exclusive interview with The Metal Byrds, as you’ve never heard them before and shall be rockin’ out to their music, which also includes their latest release Spitfire Pete.

Originating in Austin, Texas and in their own words, “We are new wave of Classic Rock (NWOCR). We have elements of Punk, Pop Rock and Hard Rock that boarder on Metal, that make up our unique straight Rock sound. Our songs are full of hooks and catchy lyrics that evoque a fun overall sound.

“We are not the typical cookie-cutter sounding rock band, and if you listen close, you will hear a sound like non-other.” says the band of creating songs together.

To find out more about The Metal Byrds and to purchase their music please visit: